I may have made an unforced GM error in my recent #dnd game when I led my players into a trap on a riverboat... not realize that when they of course likely win... they may suddenly own a RIVERBOAT.
@demonarchives Hah! I hear you on that, I have a lot of homebrew rules for mounts and combat. So when I send stuff against my players they often end up with new fancy mounts.
@Khyrie Heh, yeah, and you can only have so many reasons why they can't adopt fancy new mounts before they catch on
@demonarchives I run a modified West Marches game, and kind of expect them to end up with hippogryph/gryphon/etc mounts. I do try to gently discourage things that won't play well with the group though.
@demonarchives Plus, it's a great way to tug on heart strings. Show them this is a serious fight when the baddies start attacking the beloved hippogryph mount.
@demonarchives So your players have "won" a river boat, now you have someone else attack it or use weather to set up a skill challenge or start making them think about hiring crew and doing maintenance.
@Khyrie lol nice. We'll see if the river boat survives the combat, which will depend on how violent it goes. Might be fun if they all get dumped out and have to swim to shore
I would roll with it. Dueling riverboats sounds hilarious and like a good time.
If the riverboat isn't right for your campaign, consider having the opening attack do enough damage to the hull that it will sink within a few hours.
Clever use of spells or ingenuity means your players might keep their riverboat, but at that point they've earned it IMO.
@itmecube Heh yeah we're doing Prince of the Apocalypse, where for the most part they need to travel overland, but they could make use of a riverboat, for a while at least.
One of the players is imagining becoming a pirate on the open seas, but no dinky little riverboat will work for that, at least. Trying to derail the entire campaign
@demonarchives Highly tempted to steal the cruiseliner when we killed the sleezy cruise-master themed Fey Lord. But alas, our last campaign was the boat themed one