I'm a little late for those on the Eastern half of the globe, but for everyone else, a reminder that tomorrow (February 1st) is Hourly Comics Day!
What is Hourly Comics Day (HCD)? Every Feb 1st, artists all over the world take on the challenge of chronicling their day in comic form, one quick, sketchy comic per hour of wakefulness. It’s a challenge, but a fun one, and it’s a great way to get to know your fellow cartoonists!
You can do one panel each hour, or more, depending on what works for you, and it can be as sketchy and unfinished as you like. For examples, just search the Hourly Comics Day hashtags to see some from previous year's:
#HourlyComicsDay #HourlyComics #HCD #HourlyComicsDay2024 #HourlyComicsDay2023
#HCD24 #HCD23 etc.
Many people also use the shortened #Hourlies to refer to HCD.
I hope you'll think about participating! Take care, everyone!
Remember, Hourly Comics are about chronicling your day, not about being pretty. Lots of folks are working or otherwise busy throughout the day, so keep it loose and simple so you don't overwork yourself! It's meant to be fun, not overly stressful, and to be a nice time capsule to look back on in the future.