Quebec creates new committee to study whether secularism rules are being followed
The Quebec government is creating a committee to make recommendations on how to strengthen secularism in the province.
#politics #law #secularism #Quebec #Canada #QuebecSecularism
The #Democrats, #Religion, and Secular Voters
“Sarah Levin, founder of Secular Strategies and a member of the Democratic National Committee’s Interfaith Council, discusses how secular Democrats are collaborating with people of faith to create a truly inclusive big tent. Sarah explores why imitating GOP-style religious politics is a losing strategy…” #Dems #ChristianNationalism #secularism
The dossier on the history of early-modern and modern Islam, which #AnnalesHSS published in 2018, is now available in English. It was curated by Augustin JOMIER and Ismail WARSCHEID.
We will present the articles one by one over the next few days, but here is the table of contents:
For a History-Oriented Approach to Islamic Studies
the introduction to the dossier by A. Jomier and I. Warscheid
“In Pursuit of Reform”: Historiographical Renewals and Debates on the Religious and Intellectual History of Islam from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-First Century
by Catherine MAYEUR-JAOUEN
The *Book of the Desert*: The Worldview of an Early Nineteenth-Century Muslim Scholar in the Saharan West
Islam, Purity, and Modernity: “Blameworthy Innovations” in the Maghreb, 1920–1950
by Augustin JOMIER
Secularity, Sociology, and the Contemporary History of Islam
#AnnalesinEnglish #histodons @histodons #islam #maghreb #sahara #religioushistory #intellectualhistory #secularism #islamicstudies
Quebec premier wants to put a stop to prayer in parks and public places
Quebec Premier François Legault says he's looking at ways to end prayer in public places, including parks, as his government promises new legislation to strengthen secularism.
#secularism #legislation #prayer #Quebec #Politics #FrancoisLegault #Quebecpolitics
Quebec promises new legislation to strengthen secularism in schools
Premier François Legault says there are teachers introducing “Islamist religious concepts” into Quebec schools, in violation of the principle of secularism.
#legislation #secularism #schools #Quebec #Education #Quebecpolitics #QuebecSecularism
So I'd say there was no "prayer ban", but also that the chaplains were restricted in what they were permitted to say.
There is some debate online about whether military chaplains will be allowed to mention "God", "Jesus Christ" or similar at #RemembranceDay ceremonies this year.
Whether such a policy would be good or bad, required by the Supreme Court's Saguenay decision or not, is this even true? I encourage those attending ceremonies tomorrow to reply about whether there were prayers.
Liberals deny Remembrance Day 'prayer ban,' despite Conservative claim
Welcome to the 8 September 2024 edition of the NSL Weekend Wrap, your weekly round-up of news and views on Australian #secular issues.
#AusPol #NSWPol #SpringSt #WAPol #SAParli #QLDPol #PoliTas #ACTPol #NTPol #NoChurchState #Secularism
Our relatedness to the whole of nature is our strength and our source of ethics and our fire in being.
Ruth T. Abbott, quoted in Morain & Morain, Humanism as the Next Step, 2015
"Those who lust to use their religion to control your life will always attempt to feed us a comforting lie."
#ChristianNationalism #ChristianExtremism #secularism #atheism #ChurchAndState
The rapid, unprecedented growth of the "nones" continues apace.
The nonreligious are now larger than any single religious group in America, including evangelicals and Catholics. What's more, they've become an outright majority in multiple states:
Christian extremists are now calling for the death penalty for non-Christians. This is all the reason I need to vote every chance I get.
#atheism #secularism #ChristianNationalism #ChristianExtremism
That thing I will never do again:
Wolf down a banana and chug down a 12-ounce can of 7-Up.
My friend's Catholic youth group took us to an amusement park, and forced us to do that right before riding The Zipper.
I firmly believe this is the origin of the term "Vomit Comet".
Oh, also, no religion after that, ever again.
Because f--- that sh--.
#Secular #Secularism
“With the number of nonreligious Americans in the workplace on the rise, the idea that the government can force a business to favor religious employees over their nonreligious coworkers is deeply troubling.”
This is how American Christian evangelicals think.
Bypass the rational side of their brains and believe any crazy story someone tells them to get their life savings.
OK, my intro. #texan BA in #physics, former #publiceducation #math and #physics #teacher, current #tutor, interested in, over the years... #jazz #classical #music #npr #pbs #journalism #newspapers #comics #quirkyhumor #weirdal #basketball #scifi #fantasy #bsg #economics #humanism #secularism #dogs #parenting #financialplanning #investing #libraries #calligraphy #democracy #antifascism #blm #metoo #housing #facts #logic #truth #news #NEVERTRUMP
@georgetakei You are right about the separation of religion and state. Have you listened to our podcast, The Secular Foxhole? #secularism #freedomofexpression #freespeech #freedom
Hi everyone! I'm Justine Murison. I write on #C19studies #HealthHumanities #Privacy #Secularism and I have a new book out on Privacy in Nineteenth-Century America
I teach #C19studies at the University of Illinois and would prefer not to make a choice between #GeorgeEliot and #HermanMelville but I already know I will be expected to.
Last year I wrote a set of humanist lyrics for my favourite Xmas carol, and if you also suffer emotional dissonance when carols are sung then perhaps they'll bring you a little succour.
"Oh Holy Night - Humanist Remix"
#secularism #atheism #music #carolling