For #MosaicMonday a #Roman mosaic panel with a mesmerising three dimensional cube pattern. Dating 1 century BC
On display at Glyptothek München
For #MosaicMonday a #Roman mosaic panel with a mesmerising three dimensional cube pattern. Dating 1 century BC
On display at Glyptothek München
Yesterday was the Ides of March. Seemed like a good time to have a Roman Murder Mystery Party! with @BlunderBusted #games #roman #murder #florida
Fascinating world of ancient #glass: a #Roman jug made of blue glass with splashed decoration in white, yellow and brown. The decoration was created by applying fragments of coloured glass to the surface of the vessel before it was fully blown.
The technique was fashionable in the first half of the 1st c. A.D. and may have been influenced by the production of cast mosaic glass.
Found in a burial at Kempten-Keckwiese, dating ca. 30 AD.
On display at Archäologische Staatssammlung München
#ScribesAndMakers Mar 13: Shameless self-promotion day.
For all German-speaking Fediverse residents, here is a sample of the first book in the Everlasting Roaring Thunder series:
The second part is currently being written and will be published later this year. There is a good chance that a third part will follow.
You can buy the eBook here, for example:
This charming red marble hippo was part of a fountain that stood in a #Roman garden. The water was led from the front left leg to the mouth
From Rome, dating 2nd century AD.
On display at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Roman marble sculpture of a greyhound hunting dog scratching her ear, c.2nd century AD, Altes Museum, Berlin.
@OptimoPrincipi #museums #dogs #sculpture #art #Roman
The Roman watermills of Barbegal, dating back to the IV century CE and located in southern France
The recently put up and very bright columns and entablature of the #ancient basilica Ulpia built by the #roman emperor Trajan. #rome #archaeology #anastylosis #ancienthistory #romanhistory #ancientrome
#vendredilecture Ce n'était pas dans mes plans immédiats, mais grâce au présentoir de la bibliothèque municipale, je viens de commencer *Amiante* de Sébastien Dulude, publié chez #LaPeuplade.
C'est parfaitement idiot, mais sur la seule base des photos que j'avais vues passer de l'auteur, j'en imaginais l'écriture, je ne sais pas, cool, nerveuse, alternative – à la Shane Haddad, genre. Et c'est tout autre chose.
L'auteur y remplit l'une des missions sacrées de la littérature, au moins depuis Mark Twain, qui est d'écrire et de sauver l'enfance. C'est vif, c'est frais, c'est délicat, ces premières pages, et ça fait ma joie.
[Archive — 2024] Sortilèges & Syndicats
Il y a un an sortait mon premier roman chez @pvheditions ! Pour l'occasion, je vous proposais une petite galerie de personnages (faite en direct sur Peertube, d'ailleurs).
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Celebrate March With A Antique Roman Brutus Coin Lapel Pin | 0.59” diameter Premium finish rhodium plating over brass body. High shine resin dome over design for a refined, glossy look. Perfect for jackets, ties, hats & bags. #March #coins #Roman #Brutus
La critique du Devoir avait piqué ma curiosité, l'extrait sur le site des libraires m'a captivé : Les terres indomptées de Lauren Groff, traduction de The Vaster Wilds par Carine Chichereau, aux Éditions Alto.
An exceptionally well-preserved section of an ancient Roman water supply system has been discovered in Stabiae, Italy.
This system includes a large lead tank with conduits leading in and out to regulate water flow through the rooms of the villa. Like Pompeii and Herculaneum, Stabiae was buried during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. #Roman #Italy #plumbing
Hiiiiiiiii, vient de m'offrir le 2e tome du génial #roman graphique d'Emil Ferris, "Moi, ce que j'aime, c'est les monstres"
C'est l'histoire de Karen Reyes, alter ego loup-garou de l'autrice, qui grandit et enquête sur ses proches dans le #Chicago des années 1960-1970. Tout est dessiné au bic 4 couleurs et c'est renversant.
Je vais attendre un peu avant de m'y plonger, car j'ai déjà 2 livres en cours et c'est déjà pas mal pour ma cervelle
Digital map illustrating the extensive network of Roman roads, conceptualized as a contemporary subway-style diagram and created by Sasha Trubetskoy in 2017.
@archaeologyart #Roman #History #Romanhistory #maps
A #Roman bronze medicine box, with a sliding lid and separate compartments to store medical substances like herbs and mineral products.
Found in Nida, present-day Frankfurt-Heddernheim, dating 2nd/3rd century AD.
On display at Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt.
by me
#ResPublica is a #Latin phrase meaning “public affair” or “the people’s affair.”
It is the root of the word “#republic” and has been used to refer to the state or #commonwealth, particularly in the context of ancient Rome.
In #Roman politics, res publica emphasized liberty and the absence of monarchical control, contrasting with absolute #power.