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Hi, #Today I decided to try to #getfedihired — I've got many years of experience with web development, programming and production (#HTML, #CSS, #Javascript), I can make myself useful in anything on the open-source side of back end, i.e. the #Perl, #Python, #PHP, #MySQL, #Linux kind of area.

I live in #Sydney Australia and would be happy to work in-office, remote or hybrid.

Let me know of any opportunities, or pass this on to anyone else who might know of something? Thanks.

**PerlOnJava v3.0.0: Faster, Lighter, Smarter! 🚀**

- On-demand code generation for faster loading
- Lower memory usage with optimized scalars
- Faster execution via JVM `MethodHandle`
- New modules: `Time::HiRes`, `Benchmark`
- `/ee` regex modifier for advanced text processing
- `Dockerfile` + `--upgrade` for smooth setup


An implementation of the Perl programming language designed to run on the Java platform - fglock/PerlOnJava
GitHubGitHub - fglock/PerlOnJava: An implementation of the Perl programming language designed to run on the Java platformAn implementation of the Perl programming language designed to run on the Java platform - fglock/PerlOnJava

Pues me he mudado a porque ademas ya tenía cuenta y lo olvidé 😭

Aun estoy de mudanza pero repito la #presentación :

¡Saludos desde Madrid! Aquí va un poco sobre mí:
* 📚 Bibliotecario reconvertido a desarrollador backend (20+ años con Perl, Java y C#)
* 📸 Fotógrafo amateur obsesionado con:
- Aves en su hábitat natural
- Paisajes nocturnos y astrofotografía
- Fotografía macro
- Fotografía callejera
* 🎸 Metalhead y amante del rock alternativo
* 📖 Devorador de:
- Ciencia ficción clásica (Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury)
- Fantasía urbana contemporánea
- Sagas épicas (Dune, Fundación)

seeing languages like #javascript and #php have complicated problems with type comparisons makes me think that perhaps #perl got it right by having one set of operators for numeric comparison (<,==,>,<=> etc.) and another for string comparison (lt,eq,gt,cmp etc.)

I’m looking for work as a senior software #developer. I have a full-stack #WebDev cert, 16+ years #Perl back-end experience, proficiency in multiple other #programming languages.

Databases? Sure, relational *and* NoSQL. CI/CD? Have done, want to do more. I like working with others, either here in #Houston or remotely across the US.

I’ve been hacking code since the #Commodore PET days. I can certainly delight your customers, whatever your stack.

More here:

For #DecemberAdventure I put a library of graph algorithms written in #perl on CPAN that I’ve been nibbling away at for a few years now. It does graph coloring (DSatur), exhaustive search to find Hamiltonian cycles in small graphs, finds shortest paths (Dijkstra’s), solves small SETCOVER problems (for those who enjoy that), and does normal stuff like Graphviz output. Next I’ll be improving docs & writing blog posts with pretty pictures of graphs (my fave)!

MetaCPANYAGLYet Another Graph Library

I am really excited by this uptick in #perl activity. Obviously as an author I am biased but I think that there's a lot of appeal to a broad audience for this sort of content. Right now the abstracts are online and you can find the related talks from TPRC 2024 on youtube.

Print copies are on sale via B&N and purchasing them supports further SPJ efforts. (or, as is commonly done, you can always contact an author for a preprint copy)

New #blog post: Why would you use Perl in 2024?

This was unexpectedly hard to write, because I discovered once I got started that I really haven't hardly touched Perl in over a decade. But I still think it's a groovy language, so I just rolled with it. ;)

cc: my #chorus: @amin @joel @joelchrono @dm @sotolf @ivan @thedoctor @pixx @mirabilos @twizzay @twizzay @orbitalmartian @adamsdesk

And many thanks to @hyde for the prompt!! :D

rldane.spaceWhy would you use Perl in 2024?