Harris needs strong Election Day showing to win
"They picked on the wrong people."
-- Puerto Rican actress, Rosie Pérez, who said alleged comedian Tony Hinchcliffe's comments made her all the more supportive of Harris' campaign.
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
“If you count the legal votes, I easily win,” he said. “This is a case where they’re trying to steal an election. They’re trying to rig an election, and we can’t let that happen.” Despite Trump’s allegations, there was no evidence of any voter fraud in any state.
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
“ANY VOTE THAT CAME IN AFTER ELECTION DAY WILL NOT BE COUNTED!” The president, however, does not have the authority to halt vote counting. Several states, too, were still legally counting mail-in ballots. In a statement from the White House briefing room, the president continued to cast doubt on the election with false assertions.
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
November 5, 2020 – Trump falsely claimed throughout the day that the election had been rigged, demanding that states put an end to vote counting. “STOP THE COUNT!” he wrote on Twitter.
Poll: Harris has massive lead among swing state college students
The 2024 election will be free, fair, and secure. Together, we will win it for Kamala Harris and chart a new way forward.
#FiveYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
November 4, 2019 – Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Of the world’s 197 countries, 189 have ratified the agreement. Among the other non-signatories are Iran, Iraq, Angola, and Libya
#FiveYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
November 4, 2019 – Four witnesses in Trump’s impeachment inquiry defied their subpoenas to testify. The witnesses, all members of the Trump administration, were John Eisenberg, deputy counsel to the president for national security affairs; Robert Blair, assistant to the president; Michael Ellis, senior associate counsel to the president; and Brian McCormack of the OMB. All were under Trump’s orders not to cooperate with the inquiry.
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
He added, “Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact, … there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported!” A president has no legal right to claim Electoral College votes. Nor had he disputed narrow vote margins that won him the presidency in 2016.
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
November 4, 2020 – Without the power to do so, Trump proclaimed victories in states that will decide the outcome of the election. On Twitter, he wrote, “We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won’t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead.”
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
“This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election.” He added, “We will be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop.” In making his historically unprecedented claim, Trump rejected the fact that millions of mail-in ballots in several states had yet to be counted in races that were too close to call.
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
November 4, 2020 – Baselessly alleging “fraud” in the election process, Trump falsely declared that he had won the presidential election. “This is a fraud on the American public,” he told a crowd of supporters in the East Room at 2:30 a.m.
“Former President Donald Trump’s social media company outsourced jobs to workers in Mexico even as Trump publicly railed against outsourcing on the campaign trail and threatened heavy tariffs on companies that send jobs south of the border,” ProPublica reports.
“The firm’s use of workers in Mexico was confirmed by a spokesperson for Trump Media, which operates the Truth Social platform. The workers were hired through another entity to code and perform other technical duties.”
Rep. Trone: Harris’s economic vision isn’t unrealistic. I know because I’ve lived it
A pregnant teenager died after trying to get care in three visits to Texas emergency rooms
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
“Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people!”
#FourYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff
November 1, 2020 – Trump hailed supporters of his who blockaded a Biden campaign bus on a highway in Texas. The FBI is investigating the incident, in which trucks flying Trump flags tried to run the bus off the road, according to Biden’s camp. “In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong,” Trump wrote on Twitter.