I am thinking of adding a mailbox section in the #Fodongo zines, starting with Issue 13.
Reply to this post with a comment you would like to be published in the zine, and an attribution name (i.e. how you'd like to sign) and a site you want other people to see. Obviously I will vet the comments (no hate, no proselytizing, no fasc stuff, obvs.) and the sites. Also bear in mind your comment will have the same license as the zine, CCBYSA 4.0
Preferably reference the comics from https://fodongo.jectoons.net (which one do you love and why, maybe, or another opinion), and keep it somewhat short! But honestly any kind of comment is fine as long as you're being kind.
This is very informal at the moment, will try to set up a form via cryptpad for future issues!
Everyone is welcome. :3