A critique of Cara.app: the 'No AI' Instagram and Artstation copycat child.
blog post: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1032/a-critique-of-caraapp-the-no-ai-instagram-and-artstation-copycat-child
@davidrevoy Thank you for writing this. I've been migrating my stuff online for the last 20 years (Elfwood survivor) and I'm done. I felt insane, watching all these people gleefully adopt Cara in 1.2 seconds. I do hope it ends up being a decent platform in the long term but... we'll see.
@cabtastic @davidrevoy
It's hilarious (in a sad ironic way) how anything new on the internet nowadays gets us all to be very skeptical... Tbh is annoys and saddens the living hell outta me :/