Some sketches and photos from a rainy hike through Lower Arroyo Secco Park on Thursday #sketchbook #MastoArt
Twelve more people sketches, as we’ve been out twice today! Lovely day outdoors. A bit chilly, so I was drawing in gloves at one point This makes it 96/100 #oneweek100people Nearly there! Need to count again to make sure the numbers add up. #dailysketching #urbansketching #sketchbook #walktosee #sketchbookartist #plenair #watercoloursketch #mastoart
#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt #Ink #InkArt #Linework #LineArt #Draw #Drawrch #DrawingAnimals #Kangaroo #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
reference pictures from
#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt #Ink #InkArt #Linework #LineArt #Draw #Drawrch #DrawingPeople #PeopleDrawing #Portrait #PortraitDrawing #FigureDrawing #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
408 & 409/x (yesterday & today)
reference pictures from
12a Feira de HQs na Biblioteca Zink: registros a caneta tinteiro sobre caderno de esboços, 17,7 x 15 cm. (15 de fevereiro de 2025).
Parce que j'adore ce petit animal, l'exercice de ce matin.
Encre et aquarelle sur papier A6.
#Sketch #Sketching #sketchbook #drawing
#ink #watercolour #Watercolor #suricat
Four more little sketches of people, sixteen to go #oneweek100people A person recognised himself on my sketch from yesterday and came by to say he liked it #mastoart #sketchbook #watercolor #drawingeveryday