An updated (and expanded) introduction:
My main interests are written communication, teaching writing, and education, particularly as they relate to productive disagreement explored in various contexts: rhetoric, organizational & workplace communication, organizational learning, training, research, emergent strategy, coalition work, and facilitation.
Throughout, I try to attend to the roles played by power differentials and oppressive and exploitative social systems, seeking insights from critical scholarship and intersectional practice.
My approaches are described in detail here: And in a shorter post here:
Beyond these main interests, I also try to stay engaged with historical and contemporary nonreligious, freethought, Humanist, and secular perspectives, dabbling in recovering historical perspectives that reveal more diversity than is sometimes assumed to exist as well as points of productive interplay among religious and nonreligious viewpoints.
My reading for fun is mostly sci-fi—I particularly enjoy the subgenre of persons and artificial/technological intelligences working together to solve problems, such as Becky Chamber’s fantastic A Closed and Common Orbit, which help cleanse my palate from the all-too-non-fictional and terrible “AI” hype and “AI” deployment in today’s world.
Finally, I enjoy discussing stationery, notebooks, and the analog writing tools by which we materialize our ideas along with how we balance digital and analog methods.
Hashtag list follows:
#CriticalPedagogy #CriticalManagementStudies #CriticalEd #CriticalEdTech #education #EdTech #EmergentStrategy #FountainPens #freethought #HigherEd #Humanism #interbelief #interfaith #intersectionality #introduction #nonreligion #labor #LaborUnions #OrganizationalCommunication #PaperNotebooks #Paper #Pencil #Pen #rhetoric #SciFi #secular #stationery #TeachingWriting #writing #WritingTools