A lovely unnamed creek, meandering through a coastal temperate #rainforest in the Highlands area of #Wsanec territory. Very few old growth left in this forest; mostly 3rd growth & younger with a few 2nd growth trees mixed in. This is a great area to look for mushrooms.
From yesterday.
#Columbine foliage is emerging.
#Iris heads are pushing up.
The anniversary of my Dad's death from #covid cardiac arrest is coming up again in June. If anyone wants to support me & my family with our remembrance of my Dad & also help support us in long battle for justice from unmasked #SaanichPolice - please add me on your Signal - phoenixserenity.54
I'd like to compile a bunch of audio messages & any kind of artwork for this year's ceremony of beloved remembrance for my Dad. He died after getting infected by unmasked staff in local hospital. Unmasked cops, including the lead cop, Jason Whittaker - who is president of the SPD union abused us. I also want to compile something to let Saanich PD know - I am not fucking letting this go.
Please record:
Fuck you, Jason Whittaker & add whatever you want to rest of audio recording.
Please create Fuck You, Jason Whittaker or similar messages to #Saanich Police & tell them what you think of their antimasking egotistical loser of a 'leader' they chose to represent them.
"I was here." - Beaver
Very clear evidence of #beavers activity. You can see their many chew marks on this stump. This is in a small #Saanich community park, stewarded by citizens who live beside little Calvert Lake.
Access to trails is off of Prospect Lake Rd & easy to miss if you're not paying close attention. Only room for 2 cars to park on roadside pullouts. The trails aren't very well maintained & you can easily get lost around them. I've ended up in someone's backyard once, trying to hike back out. Wear long pants because there's a lot of places you have to bushwhack through along tiny footpaths. Lots of salal, Oregon grape, lady ferns (excellent for fiddleheads harvesting) & mushrooms.
#Fractal #fungi tribute to #MotherNature.
Mirrored turkey tails, that look like the shape of an #uterus
Coral tooth #fungus with #mosses on a log.
This #fungi is in same family as lions mane.
It's #edible & #medicinal #mushroom.
Found in #Wsanec forest.
More info on this fungus:
#GoodNews - Several of my local small farm friends will benefit from this new program
#CRD will sow the seeds of #FoodSecurity & #GrowingFood in the region as it embarks on a new #foodlands access service.
The goal is to enhance food security & address concerns over the rising cost of #farmland by facilitating affordable access to productive land for new & expanding #farmers.
Interesting #bedrock #geological formations can be found on many beaches on the Eastcoast of Vancouver Island & surrounding Gulf Islands. A prehistoric mix of coal, shale & sandstone.
#bloomscrolling in #January.
#Snowdrops & burgundy #hellebore.
Dead #trees are not wasted timber dollars - they are sources of food for literally thousands of beings in a #forest #ecosystem, from tiny microscopic beings to insectivorous birds. Standing dead trees are known as snags, while a fallen dead trees are nurse logs. A cut or natural stump can serve the same #ecological function as a #NurseStump.
Nature wastes nothing. If there is a nutrient source to be had, there is a being to benefit from it. Nurse logs, standing snags & nurse stumps play hosts to all sorts of mosses, lichens, fungi, insects & arthropods, many hidden deep inside, as well as other living beings that prey on them.
Nurse #stumps are still deeply rooted; new plant, tree & fungi life grows out of their tops. Nurse stumps & dead stumps that have no new growth atop are like anchor systems for living trees growing in forests. You destabilize the ecosystem when you remove them from their natural #environment.
I love admiring exposed #tree #RootSystems in forests. I find them quite beautiful & very interesting. They are one of many essential life veins in our biodiverse #forests. I'll never grow tired of appreciating tree #roots
Saw this sweet #blacktail #buck in front of a house on the way home from VGH earlier. Beautiful velvety antlers.
Fog & seamist over #FinlaysonArm - #SaanichInlet - #BrentwoodBay waters.
Seen from Jocelyn Hill summit trail in the Highlands.
Lobster mushroom has been eaten by some forest critters. Area found is marked for Spring foraging
More about this type of edible mushroom found in many forests here:
Devils tooth fungus - cluster of 3 specimens without the red bleeding tops(not all have the easily identified red ooze).
Learn more: