My red tea #roses are so pretty & smell quite wonderful too.
Some of my backyard #grapes I got cuttings for free, years ago, from 2 local vineyards.
One of my last #poppy blooms. Almost all have bloomed & #GoneToSeed now.
First #sunchoke flower has bloomed
Once the plants finish blooming & leaves have yellowed, I dig out several roots to cook & store for winter food
#DiabeticFriendly tuber
Ways to cook & pickle it:
The rescue #roses are still blooming big blooms, weekly.
My peach coloured propagated rose bloomed a single flower this week. It was propagated last Spring.
Both smell amazing!
More #tomatoes are fruiting & ripening. I really like eating tomatoes.
#Fuschias for Friday.
Our fuschias are blooming like mad.
Future #foods.
#CarolinaReaper #pepper flower.
Sugarbaby #watermelon flower.
Lillie Mae white #cucumber flower & baby #cukes
In my little #greenhouse
Today's #food #harvest . My first 2 field #cucumbers - from outdoors garden. First zucchinis too - 1 green & 2 yellow #zucchinis from greenhouse.
Almost all of my food plants are about 2-3 weeks behind with maturing this season.
#ThaiBasil in greenhouse.
Assorted #tomatoes growing outside.
Chinese #radish flowers. I let a few of the plants go to seed so I can tap & save seeds for next year.
Our scarlett #AsiaticLilies are going off with so many blooms! My first #CaliforniaPoppy has bloomed today too #RoseCampion blooms all Summer, into Fall.
Lilac #poppies on parade
I grew these & Himalayan breadseed peony poppies at my old homesteads in Youbou & in Cedar. I collected seeds from both places & sowed them here, when I moved back to Victoria from a few years of living up island.